Writers & Outdoor Art 2018
Schedule, Deadlines & Program
Writers & Outdoor Art Walk
View photos of artworks (coming soon) — or walk around downtown Springfield to view them: a map of artwork locations (PDF) can be viewed or downloaded at the bottom of the page.
September 22 Deadline for art work selection
Writers submit 1-3 artwork choices to lizhuck@gmail.com
A commemorative e-book (PDF) will be available for download.
September 30 Deadline for Entry Fee (non-members)
SPW members FREE entry; non-members $20 (students $15). Remit check payable to: Springfield Poets & Writers, PO Box 5357, Springfield IL 62701. Students: submit copy of student ID.
October 1 Deadline to submit writings (Word or PDF format; include name of artwork in document) to lizhuck@gmail.com.