SPW-Pharmacy Event 2019
This SPW-Pharmacy Gallery Event is open to the public; there is no fee to participate.Artists will review submitted writings and writers will review submitted artworks, and then choose the work(s) they wish to respond to and interpret in their own medium.
Art Inspired by Writing
Writings by SPW members and interested others for consideration of the artists should be delivered by the extended deadline of 5 PM Thursday July 18.
Writing Inspired by Art
Art by Pharmacy Gallery members have been submitted and photos of them are linked below. Update: Another artwork, Outer Park by Bill Crook has been added (7/18/2019).
A video, which may also be selected for writing, can be viewed at https://youtu.be/FWzqBI_A3bM . The 3-page document "Pharmacy Gallery Images 2019.pdf" linked below contains small images of all of the artworks and a link to the video.
Writers should submit, by midnight Friday July 19, their artwork choices to springfieldpoetsandwriters@gmail.com . A maximum of two responses per artwork piece will be accepted.
Writers should submit a text copy of written work (by email, as an attached Word document, or in the body of the email) for display to springfieldpoetsandwriters@gmail.com (The Pharmacy Gallery will have the writings printed for display beside the corresponding artwork). ***Please note that the deadline for writings is July 30!***
The Pharmacy Gallery and Art Space Event August 9: ARTEXT See the event page at https://www.facebook.com/thepharmacygallery/?tn-str=k*F
An image of the artwork will be projected while the corresponding written piece is read. The Pharmacy Gallery exhibit opening is from 6 to 9 PM on Friday and Saturday august 9 and 10, 2019. A program of readings will take place on Friday August 9 (writers may also read on August 10).