Sangamon Watercolor Society Member Paintings October 2022

Click on the image of each painting to see a larger image.
Names of writers are noted with paintings they've chosen to write

Aneita Atwood Gates:
A Palette of Painters

Aneita Atwood Gates:
Jack on Alert

Aneita Atwood Gates: Painting with the Troll at Lincoln Memorial Gardens

Aneita Atwood Gates:

Writer: Mark Russillo

Carolyn Owen Sommer:
Backstage Ballerinas

Carolyn Owen Sommer:
Lost & Found

Carolyn Owen Sommer:
Michigan Avenue

Carolyn Owen Sommer:

Christine Niemann:
Cedar Waxwing

Scarlet Tanager from painting by Sherry C. Nelson

Cindy Bohl: Anemones

Cindy Bohl:
Lilies in the Mist

Cindy Bohl:
Sunflowers and Pears

Cookie Ferratier:
Blue Poppies

Cookie Ferratier: Chicken

Cookie Ferratier:
Flowers in a Vase

Cookie Ferratier: Hyperbole

Writer: Meredith Cargill

Dale C. Evans: First Snow

Dale C. Evans:
Road to Sugar Grove

Writer: Cindy Ladage

Dale C. Evans: Sunflower Field, Moraine View Park

Debbie Megginson:
Autumn Glory

Debbie Megginson:
Christmas Roses

Debbie Megginson:
Healing Stones and Life

Debbie Megginson:
Summer Laundry

Writers: Joshua Graff, Meredith Cargill

Donald Landry:
Bells In The Sky

Donald Landry:
Montana Mountains

Writer: KAT Corrigan

Donald Landry:
Rainbow Sunsets

Writer: Thea Chesley

Donald Landry:

Elizabeth Trone:
Spring Cotillion

George Weers:
The Epitome of Opulence

Writer: Izabel Miller

Gloria A. Mohr:
Monet's Garden

Gloria A. Mohr:
Underwater World

Jan Sorenson Hill:
Birch Trees

Jan Sorenson Hill:
Reflections of Tolerance

Writer: Thea Chesley

Kate Worman-Becker:

Kate Worman-Becker:

Kate Worman-Becker:
Master Gardener

Writer: James Bockmier

Kathy Winch:
A Whale of a Tale

Writer: James Bockmier

Kathy Winch: Pink Posies

Kathy Winch: Sunny Day

Marcia McMahon Mastroddi:
Diana, Peacemaker, Bosnia

Marcia McMahon Mastroddi:
Victorian Jan

Marcia McMahon Mastroddi: Zelensky in Support of Ukraine

Writer: Mark Russillo

Michael Delany: Perfect Day

Patty Bryant: Harmony

Writer: KAT Corrigan

Patty Bryant:
New Growth, Ao Jutan

Patty Bryant:
The Tree in my Head at 3 am

Writer: Liz Huck

Patty Bryant:
Up in the Clouds

Paula Clark: Luna

Paula Clark:
The Hopeful Garden

Robert Parrett: Bouquet

Robert Parrett:
Gone For A Swim

Robert Parrett:
The Early Bird Gets the Worm

Writer: Shawna Mayer

Rosalinda Post-Lucas:
Living Nature

Rosalinda Post-Lucas:
Snuggle Buddies

Writer: Eric Anderson

Rosalinda Post-Lucas:
Time is Passing

Rosalinda Post-Lucas:
Looking in on You