Membership /Donation Form

Want to join Springfield Poets and Writers?

Membership Benefits

  • Support and encouragement from others

  • Opportunities to write for SPW events and publications

  • Your support of the literary arts in central Illinois and the world

  • Democratic voice in SPW affairs

  • Your website, blog and/or twitter link on SPW's website

Springfield Poets & Writers Membership Form

Please check the appropriate membership category below:

___ Student Membership $10 ___ Basic Membership $20

___ Family Membership $35

___ Create-A-Family Membership.....$35 For you and another member you sponsor

□ provide contact information, or □ let us grant membership to an applicant, or

□ I’d like to join someone’s Create-A-Family

Support literary arts! Enclosed is a tax deductible contribution $_______

Support Navigating The Maze! Enclosed is a tax deductible contribution $_______

Tell us a little about yourself!




Phone:______________________ E-mail Address:__________________________________

Web site link: _______________________________________________________________

My favorite writer or poet is ___________________________________________

And/or, how did you hear about SPW? ___________________________________

Thank you! Make checks payable to SPW. Mail with this form to:

Springfield Poets and Writers

P0 Box 5357

Springfield, IL 62701