Membership /Donation Form
Want to join Springfield Poets and Writers?
Membership Benefits
Support and encouragement from others
Opportunities to write for SPW events and publications
Your support of the literary arts in central Illinois and the world
Democratic voice in SPW affairs
Your website, blog and/or twitter link on SPW's website
Springfield Poets & Writers Membership Form
Please check the appropriate membership category below:
___ Student Membership $10 ___ Basic Membership $20
___ Family Membership $35
___ Create-A-Family Membership.....$35 For you and another member you sponsor
□ provide contact information, or □ let us grant membership to an applicant, or
□ I’d like to join someone’s Create-A-Family
Support literary arts! Enclosed is a tax deductible contribution $_______
Support Navigating The Maze! Enclosed is a tax deductible contribution $_______
Tell us a little about yourself!
Phone:______________________ E-mail Address:__________________________________
Web site link: _______________________________________________________________
My favorite writer or poet is ___________________________________________
And/or, how did you hear about SPW? ___________________________________
Thank you! Make checks payable to SPW. Mail with this form to:
Springfield Poets and Writers
P0 Box 5357
Springfield, IL 62701