Thanks for visiting our website. We're a nonprofit literary organization based in Springfield, Illinois, home of our 16th U.S. president Abraham Lincoln. We're proud to have served central Illinois since 1993, inspiring and supporting the literary arts. From 1999 through 2023, our annual teen poetry anthology, Navigating the Maze, reached teens, their families and friends, and others around the world.
Upcoming February 2025 Events:
February 5, 2025: Live Open Mic
Join SPW members and friends for our next live, in-person, indoor, spoken word open mic from 6-8 PM on February 5 -- and the first Wednesday of every month -- in the parlor at historic Edwards Place, 706 North Fourth Street, in Springfield.
Because Edwards Place contains many historic items, please refrain from touching furniture and artifacts, and please remain the parlor and hall areas. You may bring refreshments (except coffee and red wine, which stain), but please take packaging and waste materials with you when you leave. See you at the open mic!
February 8, 2025: James Bockmier Book Release Party
Help SPW Outreach Director James Bockmier, celebrate the release of his second book, A Pilgrimage Through the World of Forms from 2-4 PM on February 8 at Whimsy Tea, 316 East Adams Street, in Springfield.
February 19: Poetry in CyberSpace/SPW Open Mic
The Springfield Poets and Writers monthly open mic via Zoom Cloud Meeting convenes, on the third Wednesday of every month. Link information is posted below. Share your work, read the words of your favorite writers, or just listen.
Time: February 19, 2024, 6:00-8:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
To Join the Zoom Meeting at 6 PM on February 19,
Copy and paste this shortened link into your browser's address window
Or, from the Zoom app, join using the Meeting ID: 867 1783 9201 and Passcode: 626258
On a smartphone, one tap mobile: +13126266799,,86717839201#,,,,*626258# US (Chicago)
February 28: SPW Featured Reader at Stella Coffee & Tea
Springfield Poets and Writers and our partner, Stella Coffee & Tea host a special monthly reading, from 10 to 11 on the fourth Saturday of every month. February's featured reader is James Bockmier, celebrating the publication of his second book of poetry. Stop by for coffee or tea, and sweet or savory treats -- and James's reading. Future readers include visiting writers -- and SPW members.
SPW 30th Anniversary T-Shirt graphic, incorporating the winning design submitted by Jennifer Holleran. Coming soon: how to order.
25th anniversary
t-shirt graphic designed by SamBDavis.